Wednesday, February 1, 2017


What would you do if you can see my friends through my eyes? Wait!! before you speak out your opinion let me influence you a little.
In 2013, the freshmen  year of my college I was placed in a class of 36. like a lost puppy I followed a trail and slumped in a conner of the class. That seat was my throne from where I saw my friends grow strong.
We call her "goonda" strange name, right?!! Never in a million years did Dorji Zangmo think that the name (goonda) that she wanted someone else to have, would cling to her dear life. she looks nothing like a goon though, instead her smile could light up the whole class. I wonder if she could start over again wold she keep the same name.

left: Nima Yoesel Chezom, Right: Dorji Zangmo
oh! let me not forget to introduce her best-friend Nima Yoesel Chezom. Well i have heard that the black necked crane would always travel in pair. I think they are the human version of the bird because I always see them together. you all have something to ponder on. Hmm..
You should see her walk, she sways her hips and the clothes accentuates her curves. The way she bounces with every step she takes. I really lost the opportunity to break into her room, am pretty sure i would have found springs attached to
                                                                      her shoes or maybe NOT.

We used to call them "Garrulous Gang", i know, i know, my mates have these weird and usual names but they are very exuberant and also dear to me. This group consists of 7 members and are very boisterous. Wondering how they got this name? Come lets take a step into the past with me, you can also play a dramatic music to make time travelling more realistic.
It was in the ENG 201 class when our tutor with her dulcet voice, perspiring from her forehead was trying to explain stuff. When this group of kids at the back, talked like there was no tomorrow. I tell you if it were for them their gossip would create scandals. Sometimes jabber to the point of annoyance, it is non-stop. That was the day when our tutor had had enough and named Tshering Yangzom, Jampel Norbu, Karma Wangchuk, Sukmoti, Pem Choki, Sonam Lhamo and Wangdi were named "garrulous gang" (parrot gang)
from top left: Wangdi, Karma Wangchuk, Sonam Lhamo, Pema Choki, Tshering Yangzom, Sukmoti, Jampel Norbu

Every class would be incomplete if it did not have the  "QUEEN BEES" . I mean not the regular stereotypical Queen Bees, they are very soft spoken, they would be trending with the trends. If you need opinion on fashion and tips on how to lead a clean life, you all should definitely contact them.
from left: Sonam Chezom, Yeshey Choden
Kinley Lham, Melam Zangmo
Even with closed eyes you would know when they walk past you because of their obvious nerve numbing (in a good way) fragrance. The trendsetter of the class Melam Zngmo, Yeshey Choden, Kinley Lham and Sonam Chezom. I have a love-hate relationship with one of them, for the amount of prank we used to play with each other, we would be afraid to pick up our phones when the other called for the fear of falling for the pranks. Yeshey Choden I hope you know the game is still on.

from top left: Pema Wangchuk,
Nima Wangdi, Shakti,Tshewang
Younten Tharchin
Talking about fashion, lets talk about the guys who were always fashionably late. Take a look at them and you will know there had been a storm because their stick out in every direction. With weary efforts they would drag their feet and slump into their seats. Running their fingers through their hand would be their moniker.  I know what you all must be thinking, some wannabe gangsta trying to look cool when they are not. You all are absolutely correct, but they were also the sweetest and most approachable boys in the class. "like a diamond in the rough"

  Shakti Man Mongar, Pema Wangchuk, Tshewang, Nima Wangdi and YontenTharchin call                                                                           themselves the "PUENCHAS"

From left: Jurmi Thinley, Karma Wangdi,
Tashi Wangdi, Choki Wangchuk
It is amusing how these boys a housing number "the 164". As unusual as their name, their relationship is weird too. With their insensitive jokes and larger than life pranks (i would melt into a puddle if their pranks were played on me), you will have your doubts on their friendship. But you should notice how their eyes light up when they talk about one another.  They are one and for each other. Tashi wangdi Jurmi Thinley and Choki Wangchuk and Karma Wangdi were and are really our PEARLS.

From left: Kencho Zam,
Dhendup Peldon, Kuenzang Peldon
With their thick Sharshop accent they steal the attention of every on lookers (if you want your crush to notice you, just walk with them). One speaks very fast like a machine gun fired at a massacre,(lets hope we can ricochet it), while the other speaks like she has all the time in the world, accentuating every word. And in between these two is a girl who is foreign  they are speaking. Trust me they would never run out of patience, I had the first hand experience, I would always annoy them with my uncanny behavior but they never lost their cool.
They are kuenzang Peldon, Dhendup Peldon and Kencho Zam. I would always get their names wrong and had to suffer listening to the "even after four years blah blah blah" talk. 

She is the mother of three, with glasses worn at the ridge of her nose and stylishly cut hair. She grabs any opportunity to her advantage, it is so unlike her physique. 
Ana Youden.
Her big puppy dog eyes and perks of being her mother always gets her way. I remember staying in line for a show, when she stealthily got in front of and said from over her shoulder "I am a mother of three". yeah! she does that a lot but we love her to death. Our precious Ana Youden. (if you are a mother you can get away with anything, girls! start baking).

Left: Tshering Choden
 Right: Dawa zangmo
There were these two girls in the class but you'll never know if they are in class. Cats are known for their stealth, Dawa Zanngmo and Tshering Choden is definition of stealth. You wouldn't notice them come in the class but they would be there. and you wouldn't notice them walk out- well nobody notices anybody walkout from the class for who wants to stay in the class the lessons are over right?! The point is they are stealthy. Never in my four years of stay as their classmate had i seen them raise their voice. We should alter their direction to a lullaby contest rather than teaching. Hands down they would win it.

Courtesy: google
identify Timmy, if you can. :)
OK!! enough about my friends, let us talk about dogs or dalmatian in particular, they look the same with that black over white polka dot on their skin. But i know they are pretty darn cute that's for sure.
From left: Cheney Zangmo
Jigme Zangmo, Sangay Wangmo.
These three girls look so similar, They have got the same height and as if it wasn't enough they dress alike too. i would always make a fool out of myself approaching them for they have their similarities to their advantage. And I have my poor sight as mine. (don't trust me when i say " i saw "things"", i might be wrong 99% of 100)
I bet if they applied for any position of a disguise , They would nail it, I think they should consider it now that the college is over. Jigme Zangmo, Sangay Wangmo and Cheney Zangmo
"The Disguiser"  . (see even their names rhyme).  P.S all Asian looks similar.

From Left: Sonam Tempa, Lhakpa Tshering
Sangay Chedup
Lhakpa Tshering like a voice of early spring, if any of you are interested in a singer; trust me he is the man you are looking for. (sorry ladies, he is already committed). Sonam Tempa a very modest man, he thinks everybody is better than him, I certainly wish he would start believing in himself for he is one of the most talented men I have every seen.
And Sangay Chedup he is very cute, everybody likes him, I don't know how he managed to tolerate my other classmates, I would lash out on everyone every chance I got. He is a sweetheart.

Sonam Wangmo

Neither did she have an identity crisis nor was she a gender fluid, but I liked to call her a "boy". You ask why a boy? (just pretend you asked). You will never wake up from your bed every again if you have messed with her. And talking about bed, she is in bed rest now, nope! nothing happened to her, she just gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. Here is the picture of our baby " MAMA" Sonam Wangmo.

Here you go!! This is it. I hope I could influence your opinion and if I didn't, well then I didn't, nothing to fuss about.
I couldn't have asked for better classmates and i wouldn't trade them for the world. Thank you all for making my stay in Paro College of Education more indelible.
AND before i forget here is a picture of ME
P.S do not forget to comment on what you think about my friends.